our commercial cleaning services

TCMS are one of the UK’s most experienced commercial cleaning companies. Centrally located in Birmingham and established for over 35 years with nationwide coverage. We have earned a strong and credible reputation for delivering a high quality, bespoke commercial and industrial cleaning services to our clients


Every contract we currently hold is completely custom-built to match the needs of our clients and their environments.


Engaging a specialist cleaning company brings the peace of mind of knowing these tasks are undertaken by trained professionals with full access to PPE.


Maintained kitchens and equipment last longer, which saves money overall on repairs, replacements and risk of accidents.

Commercial cCeaning


It is essential that these operations are carried out by highly trained operatives with full, compliant PPE and safe, effective chemicals and equipment.


Carpet manufacturers routinely recommend regular deep cleans to keep their carpets looking good, preventing premature wear and ultimately costly replacements.


latest news and views

Take a look at our latest news and achievements.

The Benefits of Industrial Deep Cleaning for Your Business 2000 1333 88Admin

The Benefits of Industrial Deep Cleaning for Your Business

 When it comes to maintaining a clean and healthy work environment, businesses cannot afford to overlook the importance of industrial deep cleaning. While regular cleaning may keep surfaces tidy, industrial deep cleaning takes it a step further, eliminating hidden dirt, grime, and contaminants that can pose risks to both employees and the overall productivity of…

The benefits of outsourcing School Cleaning 2200 1467 88Admin

The benefits of outsourcing School Cleaning

Traditionally, schools employed their own cleaning staff through Direct Services supplied by local authorities. With the inclusion of Local Government Pension Schemes, (LGPS) Schools directly employing their own staff became very expensive with the addition of the pension contributions. The solution to reducing costs is to outsource the management of the cleaning to private cleaning…

High Level Cleaning 2200 1467 88Admin

High Level Cleaning

Whenever we enter a building we rarely look up. If we did we would soon see the amount of dust that builds up on fixtures and fittings that are out of site and therefore out of mind. Building Managers and business owners often neglect the cleaning of areas that they are unable to see. Dust…

Digibridge Ad – “Let us know if you spot us on the Aston Expressway 2000 900 88Admin

Digibridge Ad – “Let us know if you spot us on the Aston Expressway

“Go big or go home” “Speculate to accumulate” “If you’ve got it, flaunt it” These adages are at the heart of the newest move at TCMS Headquarters. Over our 38 years in business, we have always been keen to invest in innovative equipment, methods and products, in order to grow and improve.  Sometimes these moves…

TCMS launch brand new website 2000 1333 88Admin

TCMS launch brand new website

As a cleaning company, we recognise the importance of first impressions.  A smooth, sleek finish makes all the difference in how a company is perceived by potential and longstanding clients.  We know that having everything in the right place, clean and easy to find is paramount to improving the experience of our service users.  Innovation…

uk Coverage

Our services are available nationwide.

01. Birmingham

We clean all areas of Birmingham
0121 333 5824

02. London

We clean all areas of London
0121 333 5824

03. manchester

We clean all areas of Manchester
0121 333 5824

04. Liverpool

We clean all areas of Liverpool
0121 333 5824

05. leicester

We clean all areas of Leicester
0121 333 5824

06. Nottingham

We clean all areas of Nottingham
0121 333 5824

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